My topic would be trying to bring city life into small towns or cities and try to figure out why people are more prone to act to a cause if there is more people around.
Since I was in Junior High I 've always wanted to do a flash mob so I tried to find something that goes along with what I wanted to do and lucky I thought of something that goes along with that but is also broad enough for me to learn about other aspects of city life.
I think that I will gain more confidence out of this experience and maybe even create great connections with people. I think if everything turns out alright I feel by the end of this I will have good experience on managing events that consists of many people.
I think this topic will music, psychology, people skills, math, and time management.
I'm planning to recruit people to bring attention to the Eric Garner incident and hopefully my partner and I will be able to pull it off by mid-February. Then I'm hoping to began my flash mob idea and start with small groups of people and then accumulate as time goes by hopefully I'm able to accomplish this by late May.
For my first project I would like to have enough money to get about 50 T-shirts that say I can't breathe. For my second project I would have to contact people and recruit them to be in a flash mob then search for a location on where to have it and hopefully in a very public place, like maybe the mall.
I don't think I'm going to do another because I think it would be best to have all my work together in one place, so my course blog.