Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Right to Your Opinion Notes

  • Being entitled to your opinion means being able to back up your beliefs.
  • Then when someone is confronted with counterarguments, people don't stop to think if they might be wrong, but end up taking offense.
  • If you are given the right to live; then those around you have the duty not to kill you. So rights also impose duties on others.
  • But to what extent do you have to fulfill a duty? Just because you have the duty not to kill someone doesn't mean that you have to prevent the person from ever dying.
  • If someone has the right  to there opinion, are we able to bring them into reasoning, if their opinion is wrong. For example if someone is crossing the street and you see a car coming, are you supposed to let the person follow there own opinions or yell at them to get out of the way?

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