Monday, December 15, 2014

Literary Analysis #3

1. Edna is in the cottages of Madame Lebrun  in Grand Isle with her two sons and her husband. Edna is friends with Adele who helps her open her eyes to some emotions and desires that she didn't even know she had. Then Edna meets Madame Lebrun's eldest son, Robert Lebrun; who has the reputation of choosing one women who most of the times is married and attends her. Robert and Edna start off as friends but then begin to have feelings for eachother and in the end Robert leaves to keep himself from making a mistake with a married women. Then Edna returns to New Orleans but different and her husband is worried so asks for guidance from their family physician, Doctor Mandelet. He suspects that Edna might have had an affair but doesn't say anything and tells Leonce (Edna's husband) to let this phase run its course. Edna then moves by herself and then cheats on her husband  with a man named Alcee Arobin but since she is still in love with Robert she only uses Alcee for her sexual needs. Edna meets a women named Mademoiselle Reisz her encourages her art and is a  pianist. Mademoiselle Reisz is the only one to know of Robert and encourages Edna to act upon her feelings. Robert goes to New Orleans and tells her what he feels but tells her that they cant be together. she tries to convince him, but he doesn't want to enter an adulterous affair. Adele has a difficult childbirth and Edna goes and speaks to her and Adele reminds her of her children and so does Doctor Mamdelet. So she starts thinking that she was acting selfishly. Robert leaves her unable to do such a relationship, then Edna moves to Grand Isle. She ends up killing herself in the sea.
2.  I felt the theme of this book is to always follow your heart rather than what society wants you to do, but from the beginning.
3. The author's tone is considerate and understanding of a women who has been blind to what she wanted for herself and what other people wanted for her. Even though the author knows that this will cause some suffering, so maybe even a little apologetic.

  • “The years that are gone seem like dreams—if one might go on sleeping and dreaming—but to wake up and find—oh! well! Perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one’s life.”  
  • “The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth.”  
  • “She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.” 
4. Foreshadowing: Robert was known to choose one women, often a married one and attend her. 
Personification: “The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude.” 
Metaphor : “Goodbye -- Because I love you.” IF you truly love something let it free if it comes back its your if it doesn't it never was.
Simile: “She was flushed and felt intoxicated with the sound of her own voice and the unaccustomed taste of candor. It muddled her like wine, or like a first breath of freedom.” 
 Imagery : “She turned her face seaward to gather in an impression of space and solitude, which the vast expanse of water, meeting and melting with the moonlit sky, conveyed to her excited fancy. As she swam she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself.” 
Diction:  “A certain light was beginning to dawn dimly within her,—the light which, showing the way, forbids it.” - The way she said " forbids" in the end in really bringing out how women are oppressed.
Gradation: “He could see plainly that she was not herself. That is, he could not see that she was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.” 
Hyperbole: “I love you, only you; no one but you. It was you who awoke me last summer out of a life-long, stupid dream.” 
Symbolism: That could be the sea in which Edna learned hoe to swim with Robert it could be refer back to the first time where she felt free.
Incongruous: “Who can tell what metals the gods use in forging the subtle bond which we call sympathy, which we might as well call love.” 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Poetry Comparison

Poetry isn't done the same way nor do they have to have similar ideas, but it's funny to see how similar poems can be to each other when you analyze them. For example the poem that my group analyzed was "Everything is Going to be Alright"- by Derek Mahon, but when we were going over what we  wanted to do our essays on and we decided on "Where the Sidewalk Ends"- by Shel Silverstein. If you would have noticed the titles seem like total polar opposites, one is talking about continuing no matter what while the other one sounds like there is going to be an end of the road. These two poems have a lot of things in common like the message they are trying to get through to people, and the desire for something better and perseverance.
I feel that Mahon's poem had the message or idea of what his poem was going to be about in the title while in the second poem you actually have to go out of your way and try to look for what the author means by "Where the Sidewalk Ends". At first I thought that the poem had something to do with death but it wasn't until I broke down the poem that I started to realize some similarities. They are both positive even though I still feel that the second one is talking about death. I feel both of these are motivating and reassuring because of the author's tone and when they use lines like,"and the far cities are beautiful and bright" which is from, "Everything is Going to be Alright" and "And there the sun burns crimson bright" from "Where the Sidewalk Ends". Like I mentioned before I feel like its motivating the reader to try to go further or at least to notice the beauty in our surroundings.  In hope of taking as much as you  can get out of life.
Although I'm not saying that they're trying to give you the same message. The messages might be positive and relatively close but I feel like "Where the Sidewalk Ends" talks more about how you should enjoy the present as much as you can get because we are all going to die at a point but me will only be able to take with us our memories and what we learned to the grave. That's why I feel like the author mentioned youth in the end because usually those are the most memorable, fun, or happiest times of someones life.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

Intro to Poetry

Everything is Going to be Alright
by Derek Mahon

1.  The title foreshadows what's going to happen in the poem and after you read the poem you realize that the title is the theme of the poem.
2. The tone of the poem is hopeful, inspiring, and encouraging.
3. the poem made me feel hopeful, motivated, and assured.
4.  There is 3 shifts I believe it begins calm and joyful then shifts to the dark or sad moments of life, but then goes back to saying that it shouldn't prevent you form continuing because everything is going to be alright in the end. My group also looked in deeper on a certain line which was," I lie here in a riot of sunlight", because we felt that there was a shift within that sentence because it used the word riot (usually used for bad or chaotic occasions) and used it the context to explain a great amount rather than chaos, so then adding sunlight to it, it shifted it from negative to positive, so I thought it was very clever of the author to use those words.
5. The theme of the poem was that no matter how bad things may be things will always turn out okay in the end, so just continue and try to focus on the beauty of life rather than the bad.

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Quote from Hamlet Essay

Polonius is not one of the most reliable of characters within the play, but he did give pretty good advice to his son before leaving to France, which would be "To thine own self be true" meaning, always be true to yourself. I feel it would've done a greater effect on his son if he would've been a better role model and instead of always just speaking and giving advice to others, he should've actually taken his own advice. Polonius says this quote in Act 1 Scene 3 and tries to guide his children with his fatherly wisdom although coming from Polonius its hard to believe that he is advising his children to be true to themselves when he can't even do that.
I feel Shakespeare took advantage of having the family setting to leave the impression of a loving and caring family. Which is something great to included in a play because like how we mentioned today in class, throughout the play it has only been a slow rising action building up for the climactic end. I feel showing the caring and loving, brother a sister relationship between Laertes and Ophelia builds more of a sentiment into the scene in which Laertes finds out his sister is dead. Yet throughout the conversation you get to know a little bit more about the characters and how they feel for each-other, for example how Polonius is trying to tell his children to be careful and what to avoid, but like a said before, it brings Polonius into question about his own character.
I feel that for the most part Laertes does stay true to himself  within the play because even though he was being maneuvered by King Claudius he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do, to avenge his father just like how Hamlet was planning to do, and in the end Laertes did realized his mistakes and decided to no longer kill Hamlet. I feel that to be yourself is a lot harder than what it sounds because it is true that a lot of things intervene and cause you to mess up and start doubting or questioning yourself, so I feel that throughout this play a lot of characters went through that especially Hamlet. This quote served as a reminder because even if things happen in the end, if you remember this quote you will do what you think is best, so what is right to you even if it might not be right to someone else.

Chespirito A Mexicacan Icon

On November 28, 2014 one of Mexico's most comedic icons passed away. He was able to bring families together with his jokes and skits. I know he was a big part of my life and was able to give me family memories that I still cherish 'til today. It makes me a little sad to have to say that we are at a huge lose without this man, because he came into this life and set off to be a comedian with a clean comedy style and he didn't just succeed but was able to become very near and dear to our hearts. He was a  screenwriter, actor, comedian, film director, television director, playwright, songwriter, and author. He was most commonly known for his 2 most famous characters "El Chavo del 8" and " El Chapulin Colorado". This man did great things in his life and I am thankful to have been able to witness them. I wanted to thank him for all the things he did, especially for my family and me, which is why I'm doing this post. I wish him all the luck in the world where ever he may go and may he rest in peace. Thank you.